The 5 most important things to do after a car accident

On Behalf of | Jan 27, 2025 | Injury Law

People generally have their days planned out before they get in a car to go to the store or to work. A car crash disrupts their plans and creates an element of chaos. Many people aren’t sure of how to react to a car crash. They may then make mistakes that come back to haunt them later.

What steps do people generally need to take after a crash occurs?

Document everything before moving vehicles

Every crash creates the risk of secondary collisions. As other vehicles approach the vehicles involved in the wreck, they may potentially fail to stop. People typically need to move their vehicles to allow traffic to proceed around them. Before doing so, however, it is typically advisable to record video footage or take numerous photographs of the scene to preserve as much evidence as possible.

Report the matter to local authorities

The person responsible for the crash may try to propose a private settlement. They may claim that they drive professionally or that they don’t want their insurance rate to go up because of the ticket. It is mandatory for those involved in crashes involving substantial property damage or injuries to file police reports. It is also a smart move to report a crash so that there is a formal record of what happened.

Express concerns to law enforcement

Those filing police reports sometimes assume that officers should explore every angle to analyze the wreck. However, crash reports largely depend on the information provided by the drivers involved. People have to be very direct about issues such as the failure to use a turn signal or a driver having their phone in their hand at the time of a crash. Officers can only investigate details when they are aware of them.

Seek medical treatment

People sometimes assume that they can recognize the warning signs of a major crash injury. That isn’t necessarily true. Many people with internal injuries or stable injuries may not have symptoms for a day or longer. The sooner people receive a diagnosis, the better their chances of making a full recovery. Prompt diagnosis also protects the right to seek financial compensation.

Avoid settling prematurely

Pursuing an insurance claim after a car crash can be a lengthy and frustrating process. Many people become very excited at the prospect of an insurance settlement. They may accept the settlement without negotiating it or even calculating their total losses. Insurance companies often take advantage of that eagerness and may offer people less than they deserve.

Those involved in major motor vehicle collisions sometimes require assistance when negotiating with insurance companies and looking at options for litigation. Taking the right steps after a major car crash can help people limit their losses.